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Share Join AmCham Shanghai in supporting relief efforts for victims of the Yushu earthquake{C009A4CD-E643-4649-8031-708550256AFB}&origin=communique042210

"手連心" - 演藝界情繫玉樹關愛行動大匯演 - 大會主題曲 Artists 414 Fund Raising Campaign for Qinghai Earthquake on April 14 2010

At 7:49am on April 14 2010, a powerful magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck Yushu County in Qinghai Province. Early reports place loss of life at more than 2,064 people, with more than 175 missing and over 12,135 injured. More than 15,000 homes have collapsed and over 100,000 residents are homeless and in urgent need of relocation.

Yushu County is located 500km south-west of Qinghai’s provincial capital of Xining and is 4,000 meters above sea level. Freezing weather, high altitude and a series of strong aftershocks have made rescue attempts difficult, resulting in shortages of tents, medical workers and medical supplies.

Through the Public-Private Partnerships for Disaster Management in China Program established in 2007 by China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Asia Foundation and AmCham Shanghai, China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs has provided a list of 15 charitable organizations authorized to provide relief and rebuilding services in Yushu County. For a complete list of these charities and to view the original announcement in Chinese, please click here:

AmCham Shanghai's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program has worked with a number of these charities on CSR-related projects. Should you wish to make a donation to the following charities, we have included bank account details for each organization. Donors should indicate the purpose of the donation as either "earthquake relief" or "earthquake reconstruction" in their transaction.

Red Cross Society of China

Donations in RMB
Account Name: Red Cross Society of China
Account Number: 0200001009014413252
Bank Name: ICBC Beijing Municipal Branch, Dong Si Nan Sub-Branch
Address: No.147 Dongsi South Street, Beijing, China
Zip Code: 100010

Donations in USD
Account Name: Red Cross Society of China
Account Number: 7112111482600000209
Bank Name: China CITIC Bank, Beijing Jiuxianqiao Sub-Branch
Address: C&W Tower, No.14 Jiuxianqiao Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Zip Code: 100016
Swift Code: CIBKCNBJ100

If you would like to donate to the Red Cross Society of China, please call +86-10-643-9780 to leave your contact address and telephone number.

For updates on Red Cross Society of China relief efforts, please click here.

China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA)

Bank Transfers: Please indicate “Yushu Earthquake” on your bank transfer

Account Name: China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation
Account Number: 8145-11681908091001
Bank Name: Bank of China, Beijing Keji Hui Zhang Zhong Xin Sub-Branch

CFPA Emergency Relief Donation Hotline: 010-62561633
CFPA Emergency Relief Donation Direct Line: 010-82872688 ext. 573, 836, 808 or 010-62655199.

银行汇款: (捐款请注明:“玉树地震”)

中国扶贫基金会紧急救援项目捐赠热线:010-62561633(直线) 010-82872688转573、836、808; 010-62655199

For updates from CFPA in Chinese, please click here:

China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF)

Bank Transfers:

RMB donations
Account Name: China Youth Development Foundation
Account Number: 0200001029014484859
Bank Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Branch, Dongsinan Sub-branch
CYDF Donation Hotline: 010-64035547

Foreign currency donations
Account name: China Youth Development Foundation
Bank Name: Bank of China, Headquarters (1, Fuxingmen Neidajie, Beijing)
Swift Code: BKCH CN BJ
USD Account number: 00023608091014
JPY Account number: 00038408091027
HKD Account number: 00023608091013


Swift Code: BKCH CN BJ

We hope you consider joining AmCham Shanghai in supporting relief efforts for victims of this tragedy.

China Earthquake Release Efforts From May 13 2008

A major earthquake registering 7.9 on the Richter scale hit China's southwest province Sichuan at 2:28PM on May 12th. It was the most disastrous earthquake in China in the past 32 years. Significant damage has been reported in rural areas surrounding the epicenter, and current loss of life is estimated to be upwards of 12,000 people. More than 60,000 people are still inaccessible. People in the rest of the country including Shanghai and Beijing all felt huge tremors at the first wave of earthquake.

The localities most severely affected by the earthquake are in the area around Wenchuan, Sichuan province. Shannxi, Gansu, Yunnan and Chongqing are also affected. Wenchuan is still inaccessible by road and telecommunications remain limited, so the full extent of damages there has yet to be assessed. Many local schools are badly affected and hundreds of students are trapped under the rubble. Due to torrential rain, planes and helicopters are also unable to land in the area. At present, cash donations represent the best way to get help where it is needed most as relief supplies must be procured locally and cannot be shipped in due to transportation disruptions.

Do not attempt to send Food, Material, Blanket and etc to the earthquake region as it will only clout up the relief efforts.

We are suggesting you to make "cash" contribution to "
Tzu Chi Foundation" or "American Red Cross" as soon as possible.

Check Payable to Tzu Chi Foundation
China Earthquake Relief Fund
c/o Tzu Chi Hawaii Chapter
1238 Wilhelmina Rise,
Honolulu, HI 96816
Tel: (808) 737-8885
Fax: (808) 737-8889

  Click on the American Red Cross logo for contribution details

We are not giving special endorsement to Tzu Chi Foundation or American Red Cross. But both are reputable IRC 501 (c)(3) Non-profit Organizations warrant your favorable considerations. Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) is not looking for any special recognition. We felt it is important to get the money to the affected areas as soon as possible. When giving, be sure the check is made payable directly to the IRC 501 (c)(3) Non-profit organization and "NOT" to a third party "entity" to avoid "Fraud" and or running into difficulties for claiming a deduction on your 2008 income tax returns.

Johnson Choi, MBA, RFC.
2008 SBA Minority Small Business Champion of the Year - National Winner
Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce
"Hawaii-China Guan Xi, We Get Things Done™"
Offices in Honolulu, San Francisco, Hong Kong and China
Vice Chair - Hawaii Pacific Export Council (HPEC)

May 13, 2008

“Save Lives Now; Send Your Love to Sichuan, China”

May 13, 2008: Tzu Chi volunteers across US are raising funds and well wishes.

On May 12, 2008, a magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook central China and caused devastating damaged. As of May 13, 2008, death toll exceeds 12,000 with thousands more injured or still missing. Tzu Chi Foundation has been monitoring disaster news closely while developing disaster assessment and relief operation channels. Tzu Chi assessment team organized by local volunteers already enters the quake's impacted area to begin delivery of relief aid. To support the relief operation, Tzu Chi volunteers in US are raising dedicated funds for the recovery and rebuilding process that is going to continue into a long term project.

Monday's quake in China is about the same magnitude as the 1906 San Francisco quake that destroyed more than 500 city blocks, according to Channel 13 NewsHour. Meteorologists observe more than 300 aftershocks; intensity of the destruction can only be imagined. When Master Cheng Yen, founder of Tzu Chi Foundation, heard of the earthquake and its severity in destruction, she was overtaken by extreme grief several times in her remarks to the worldwide volunteers. She is calling everyone to alleviate pain for the ones who are suffering and struggling to survive because as members of the global village, it is our responsibility to care for and to help victims of the earthquake.

Tzu Chi is also a registered local charity foundation in China as of March 2008. Working closely with local government agencies, charity organizations, and local volunteers, Tzu Chi has setup a disaster command post to collect developing news and to initiate disaster assessment and relief operation. Tzu Chi volunteers is commencing with disaster assessment and relief aid distribution, including 42,000 blankets, food, and medicine.

In US, Tzu Chi has begun to raise fund for those affected by this tragedy. Starting from May 17, 2008, Tzu Chi US volunteers will walk out into the public to collect donations and to raise well wishes. Master Cheng Yen encourages everyone to keep these who are suffering and struggling in their thoughts and prayers. Let us pray sincerely and wish that there is love among people, peace in society, and a world free from disasters. Humanitarian efforts evolve from simple well wishes. Gathering of everyone’s kind thoughts can become the greatest strength in saving others.

To donate:

* Please make your check payable to Tzu Chi and mail to Tzu Chi Foundation, 1238 Wilhelmina Rise, Honolulu, HI 96916
* Credit card donation is accepted by calling 1-888-9TZUCHI (1-888-989-8244).
* A designated Sichuan Relief account has been set up in Cathay Bank. Please sent your donation to Cathay Bank (ABA 122203950) located at 777 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Our account is Taiwan Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation USA, located at 1100 S. Valley Center Avenue, San Dimas, CA 91773, and the account number is 01-130005.

For more information, please call (808) 282-5888 or go on-line at

About Tzu Chi

Tzu Chi is an international, volunteer-led charitable organization providing humanitarian aid, spiritual care and medical services to families and communities locally and internationally. Tzu Chi means “serving with compassion.” Tzu Chi focuses on four major service areas: charitable services, medical services, education and cultural services. Tzu Chi volunteers have started disaster relief efforts in China since 1991. Tzu Chi US is a 501(c)3 organization. Your donation to Tzu Chi is tax deductible.

Thursday, February 28, 2008 - BEIJING -- Taiwan's Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation has received the green light to set up a Tzu Chi Charity Foundation in China, Chinese authorities confirmed yesterday.

Answering questions at a regular press briefing, Fan Liqing, spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of China's State Council, said the Ministry of Civil Affairs had formally approved the application by Tzu Chi to establish the charity foundation in China.

The new organization is the first foundation chaired by a legal representative who is a non-resident of the mainland, Fan said, adding that the foundation will fall under the jurisdiction of the State Bureau of Religious Affairs.

The establishment of the foundation is expected to play an active role in promoting cross-Taiwan Strait exchanges in charitable affairs, she said.

The Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation, founded in 1966 by Master Cheng Yen, a nun, is one of Taiwan's four major Buddhist sects, with its head office located in Hualien, eastern Taiwan.

It is actively involved in social services, medical care and education, and disaster relief around the world.

Tzu Chi is funded by donations from the private sector, and its workers are mostly volunteers. Tzu Chi has offices in 40 countries.

The organization's first contact with mainland China was in 1990 when the central and eastern regions were devastated by serious flooding.

Tzu Chi's relief programs helped flood victims in Henan province with NT$13.6 million in timely aid, built 945 housing units for homeless flood victims in Anhui province in 1991, and constructed 1,530 housing units for displaced families in Jiangsu province in 1992.

Since then, Tzu Chi's relief work in China has expanded to cover 17 provinces and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

(Source & Credit: American Chamber of Commerce-Shanghai)

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