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Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce ®

"Hawaii-China Guan Xi, We Get Things Done" - Trade Advocacy Organization

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USA Small Business Administration (SBA) Selected Johnson Choi/HKCHcc 2008 United States National Champion

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June 6 2008

Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) and InvestHK Special Business Luncheon featuring Simon Galpin, Associate Director-General, Invest Hong Kong, HKSAR Government titled “Hong Kong – Your Best Partner and Risk Manager in China”

Johnson, I think I have been triple blessed to have had the opportunity to connect up with you. Thanks so much for including me at the luncheon yesterday. I took copious notes and wish that Hawaii could be as business friendly as HK. I learned a lot, made some contacts that would be helpful for our clients and had a few epiphanies as to the opportunities that await small businesses if HK is the right place for them. My great thanks and appreciation! Have a great week-end. J Aloha, Caroline

Johnson, Thank you very much for inviting me to the luncheon. It was informative and I enjoyed meeting others that attended. You are right about the networking opportunities. I hope that people will be inspired to expand
their business. The article in the Hawaii Business Magazine was good and that was another nice picture for your scapebook! Thank you again for inviting me and thank you for all you do for Hawaii's businesses. Naomi

Johnson: Thank you very much for the wonderful lunch and stimulating event. Aloha, David

Hi Johnson, Today's luncheon was very well done. I was really impressed at the caliber of people you had in attendance (Gov. Ariyoshi, Rep. Calvin Say, Paul Brewbaker, etc.). Wow. Thank you so much for allowing me to circulate PTC's information about their upcoming conference. As some point, I'd like to learn more about what you do to see if PTC there are some synergies between your organization and PTC that we might explore. Thanks again for the invitation and I'll see you Thursday at Rotary!

Johnson: You are doing great work. Warmest Aloha, Gerhart

Thank you for having me, Johnson. You are doing a remarkable job in promoting Hong Kong. I hope your are financially successful in all you are doing. Honk Kong is one of my favorite cities—perhaps my very favorite city. When I was with the Hawaii chamber some years ago, I was the treasurer of the first community effort to get a mass transit system for Honolulu. We were to be ninety percent funded by our federal government. And this was to be no matter what the cost. Funding would include overruns. (And mass transit system are notorious for costing more than projected.) Ten years later, I was again treasurer of the second effort by our business community to get a system going. (This time it was with 80% federal funding, but still based on total costs, not original projections.) We lost this effort by one vote of the city council. Between these two failed efforts, Hong Kong decided to have a mass transit system, completed it, and had a very successful system in full operation. Hong Kong is a remarkable place. They get things done. One of the things that impressed me in yesterdays presentation was the claim that they are still using British commercial law. I remember that before the takeover many were worried that Beijing interference would foul things up, with all legal documents having to me translated into Chinese. They feared that Beijing interpretations would create a nightmare for business. It might be good to have a session by lawyers on this subject to get a current reading and a better understanding by those contemplating doing business in Hong Kong. Aloha, Bob

Good afternoon Johnson, Mahalo for that wonderful luncheon and great array of people and subject matter. Mahalo again, Harold

Thank you for a very enjoyable and informative luncheon, Johnson. It was nice seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones. The program was very enlightening and I learned a lot about doing business overseas. I appreciate your kind invitation, too. Sandra

Dear Johnson, Thanks for your invitation to this fine event that you’ve organized so well for InvestHK. I am sure that they are pleased with your efforts. You’ve brought together “movers and shakers” of Hawaii. Best regards, Bee Leng

Thank you for inviting me to lunch. I learned a lot and enjoyed the presentation. I left at the end of the speaker's presentation because I had another event to get to. I look forward to future events. Mark

March 18 2008

We are informed by Mr. Steven C Preston, Administrator of the United States Small business Administration (SBA) Washington DC that Johnson Choi, President of the Hong Kong.China.Hawaii Chamber of Commerce (HKCHcc) has won the Top SBA Award in our category, the "2008 Minority Small Business Champion of the Year" as defined by the SBA is "To Honor Individuals Who Have Fulfilled a Commitment to Support and Assist Minority Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners" (Note: HKCHcc have won the "Hawaii award" as well as the "Regional Award" – topping the other Minority Small Business Champs in 50 States and Guam to qualify to compete and winning the "national" award, the top honor in our category). The award with be presented during the SBA National Business Week at the Mandarin Oriental Washington DC April 21 – 23

Dear Johnson, I am truly excited by this great recognition and the honor you bring to all of us. I am always amazed by your great energy and integrity in promoting everything that you do, including TIM School and keeping up your fabulous website and use of technology. You never give up, I remember the Kent Keith poem you read at one event long ago about keep going on even in the face of insurmountable odds. I know it is not always easy down in the trenches but if you do a good job, those above sometimes do take note, it is a great vindication of all the good you do and all the students you help and inspire. I am very happy for you and Carmen. I can hardly wait for great celebration event. An auspicious beginning for year of the rat, the cycle of beginnings. Three Cheers, Juanita

Hello Johnson…Congratulations, I certainly will save the date. I’m afraid Percy has office hours at that time and would not be able to attend. Life is full of choices. You have made good choices and are living a full, positive, productive life. You can’t eat it, but this life you are living is the “beef”. Don’t ever confuse money and power with success. They can be tools to help you be productive, but should never be the goal. Carolyn

Dear Johnson: HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS on your winning the SBA Award for Minority Businesses in Hawaii! See, I told you I knew what to emphasize in the letter of support.... You are highly deserving of this award for all you do in our community. If I am not out of town, I will plan to attend your lunch at the HHV to see you receive this significant honor--a new milestone in your life. Aloha, Chuck

Hi Johnson, Congratulations on this magnificent award. I remember one of the things that really impressed me about you was your contacts, your successful follow through and initiative that you provided during the planning and execution of Chuck's birthday celebration at the RHH. I certainly enjoyed reading your email message, am honored to receive it and informed about your award. and opportunity to meet President Bush. I look forward to attending the luncheon on April 30th. We will be away from March 26-April 17th. Congratulations again. Aloha, Joanna

My dear Johnson, Congratulations! I am glad to receive such good news. I pray that you will carry on with your good work and gain more prizes and recognitions for your effort. It would be great for me if I could be there to attend such a great event. However, we just cannot go wherever we wish to. Religious Priests have no such freedom. I will be with you in spirit and prayer, that the Good Lord will keep you always in His loving care and protection, especially in this most competitive and materialistic world. Take care and do keep in touch. Make sure to let me know when you are in Macau. Fr. Lionel Xavier OP

Congratulations, Johnson! Very impressive! I will note the date and try to be in Honolulu during that period... we'll discuss all and schedule. Thanks, x Corey

Dear Johnson, Congratulations! We are all proud of you. Wish you will win the “National” Award! We did all have the good time & education at Rosaryhill! I will have to attend my son’s graduation in mid May in LA, therefore, I won’t be able to attend. Will see you at RHS 50th Anniversary! Best regards, Alice

Again, my heartiest congratulations, Johnson, on your winning this stellar national award from the SBA. We must all gather to help you celebrate this landmark event in your life! Aloha, Chuck

Aloha, Johnson, Congratulations! Our College is proud of you. Will be there on 4/30 to honor our outstanding graduate, you. Look forward to hearing your good news at the National level. Again, Congratulations on your deserving award. Have a nice weekend, David

Johnson, Congratulation on winning the “2008 Minority Small Business Champion” award. I am sure that you will be in strong contention for the National Awards. Gisela and I do not have any plans on being in Hawaii around April 30th, but if we are in Hawaii , you can be assured that we will attend the SBA Luncheon. Thank you for alerting us of this function and good luck in further competition. Fondest Aloha, Morton

My warm congratulations to you and it's an award you richly deserve for your many years of splendid contribution to your community. Many thanks for sharing this very happy and encouraging news with us. My very best wishes to you! Best regards, Jenny

A successful person like you always have a great supporter whom is your wife standing right behind you, I am doing the same to my husband who is very popular to Vietnamese community. He received his MBA and MOC from HPU and continue serving the community. He was the one went up to the congress at DC few years back to sign his Vietnamese-American voters coalition for all states with one of his close friend in California. I am very proud of him. I am giving Carmen a A+, please say hello for me. Mahalo for sharing. Betty

Congratulations again! I'm sorry I had to bow out at the last minute, looks like I missed a wonderful event. Thank you for always sharing the pictures and notes. Best wishes to your continued success! Lee-Ann Choy

Thanks for sharing the photos. Randy Leong is an old friend of mine. His son Geoffrey used to work for me many years ago. Congratulations again on your national award. Warmest Aloha, Bill Spencer

Congratulation! Proud of you! And just keep in touch with all good news. Best wishes for all of us. Your one best friend/client. JOSHUA ZHAO

Congratulations ! Well done ! Best regards, Howard Tsang (former President of Thai Hong Kong Trade Association)

Thanks for doing the video. It is very inspirational. I am sharing this with my colleagues and clients. See you tomorrow! David B. Fisher

I just wanted to wish you congratulations and hope you have a lovely
lunch tomorrow!

I have UH commitments tomorrow; another faculty asked me to cover his class, so I will not be attending the lunch, but my congratulations are with you. Aloha, Anne

I am looking forward to being there, do I need reservations? Congratulations!!! Well done!! Tom Dwyer

I would like to congratulate you about your achievement! You surely deserve this award! Gongxi Gunghey Cheers Haidan

Great video and picture! Thanks for sharing. Congratulations again to you for an honor well deserved. Will look forward to our dinner when I am home. Aloha, Brenda

Great're my hero! Tom Hagen

Hi Johnson, Thanks for sharing these videos with us. This is a great honor, and Charlynne and I are very happy for you. Aloha, Laszlo.

Hi Johnson: I was looking in the Advertiser business section and saw your face and an article about you. I read the article and was very impressed with all the things you are involved in. Congratulations on being honored as the minority small business champion of the year. Makai Motion Pictures is only one of many businesses that you are involved in. Again, congratulations on a well deserved honor. Harold D Sasaki

I saw article in my paper. What a great confirmation of all the hard work you do to. I don't know where you get all the energy. Looking forward to seeing you at Hollywood Bash and your luncheon. Juanita

Congrats on the award, you certainly have an able PR staff – I you do it all yourself, I’m amazed. Best of Luck, David

Johnson, Congratulations on your selection! A great honor for you, and for our State. With best wishes, David McClain

Congratulations to you on being honored by the Small Business Administration as the Minority Small Business Champion of the Year!

Today, I am honored and delighted to read about the good news about you in the Honolulu Advertiser. If there is anything I can do for you in Chicago, please don't hesitate to let me know. Again, congratulations! Best regards, Nancy


Congratulation Johnson! Rosaryhill School, your friends and family are proud of you in receiving SBA Award in April, 08. Due to the pre-scheduling, Robert and I will be out of town during that period. Sorry we are unable to attend your award luncheon at this time. Have a good celebration party! Antonia

Congratulations!!! I not surprised by this honor and recognition you so deserve! I know how you feel about wanting to share this with your parents, they really do mold us into the individuals we become as adults. They would be so proud of you, but keep in mind that they were always proud even when they were alive. I will definitely be there at the luncheon, please send the details on how to register. Keep up the fantastic work you continue to do. Warmest regards,

Johnson!!! congratulations...i think it was not a coincidence that you were on my thoughts early this morning on my way to an appointment. i could not hold back tears reading of your testimony; and, without a fraction of doubt, you fit the parameters of this award to a tee. as stephen expressed, it is our honor to receive your invitation to celebrate this monumental achievement. though sweet carmen might ask 'where's the beef,' i think you have learned money falls way down to the bottom of the list when it comes to priorities and your commitment to individuals. though your father taught you well, it is still your own decision to exercise a passion in anything you do and to find contentment in serving others as your true reward. anyone who can fit serving their community, along with their own goals and demands for success, is such a selfless person. we will be there to celebrate in spirit with you even if we are not there in physical presence. thank you most sincerely for blessing us with your friendship. luv, susan

Congratulations on the this award and all of your achievements. It is a high accomplishment to be the SBA 2008 Minority Small Business Champion. We have enjoyed being your business associate and friend for all these years. Unfortunately Susan and I will be out of town (for pleasure) and will not return until evening of the day of the luncheon and will not be able to attend. It is our honor to be included in your circle that you feel contributed positively to your life. Stephen

keep me on the list. I should be in Hawaii then. I would love to attend. Lawrence

Johnson, congratulations. That's quite an accomplishment. Hey, if I happen to find myself in HNL on your great day, can I come to the award?? Ellen

Johnson, Congratulation to your achievement. Please let me know the details of the award banquet and I will be there. Elton

Johnson: Congratulations. I would be honored to attend your celebration on 30 April. Thank you, Dennis

Johnson, Congratulations. Well done! And words well said. And this is the BEST part: "You have to love what you do and do it well with passions. If you do it only for money, it is not the right cannot work with your partners or associates that you have to always watch your back, lack the integrity .......say or do things that could do you harm" Just love it. Paul

Dear Johnson, Congratulations! Thanks for sharing the great news with me. I would not be able to make it to the presentation luncheon in Hawaii but I'm so proud of you. Keep up with the good work and I'll see you soon in the RHS celebration. Best Wishes, Lousiana

Aloha Johnson, My personal best wishes and congratulations on being awarded 2008 Minority Small Business Champion in Hawaii. We are all very proud of you and honor you for your fine contribution to the community. I am so sorry, but it does not appear that I will be able to fly over to Hawaii to attend this wonderful event in April. Best wishes, Alan

Dear Johnson: You can always count on me to support you. Yes, I will attend the luncheon. Please let me know the detail and how much the ticket. Have a nice weekend. Lisa

Well done, Johnson. Rgds, Ann Mary

Congratulations! Johnson: Should my work allows me to get away in that particular week, I definitely would like to attend your award ceremony. With all the bests. Daniel.

Great! that is huge, congratulation, partner! Michael

Congratulations, Johnson!!! Keep me advised! Keep up the great work! Gary

Hi Johnson, Congratulations for winning the "2008" Minority Small Business Champion" Award for Hawaii! Charlynne and I cross our fingers, and hope that you will also win the National Award. Thank you for the invitation to the Award Ceremony. Aloha, Laszlo.

Johnson Congratulations. This is a very proud moment for you. I wish I could be at the awards luncheon but unfortunately I will be in Hong kong for most of April. I share your happiness and wish you tremendous luck for the national award. Paul

Hi, Johnson: Good to hear from you and congratulations for winning the Hawaii award of "2008 Minority Small Business Champion". Best regards, Tony

Dear Johnson: Congratulations on winning the 2008 Minority Small Business Champion Award.I am sorry that I shall not be able to attend the April 30 Award Luncheon at Hilton Hawaiian Village as I shall be on a trip to Hong Kong and Japan during that time. Johnson, you have done a tremendous job on business connections between Honolulu and the Far East. I am sure that the Honolulu community appreciate that. Keep on the good work. Neuman

Congratulations Johnson! Well-done! Sorry I won't be able to join you in your celebration in April. Hope you will do as well in the National award! Laisum

Congratulations! I am flattered to be on the circulation list and be informed in advance of such an achievement. Alice

Hi Johnson, Congratulations!! I am so proud of you and delighted that the SMA has recognized your hard work. You are most deserving of the award and hope you will also receive the national award. I will keep April 30 open on my calendar and look forward to receiving further details later. Wini

Johnson, congratulations to you on receiving the SBA award. I am sure you have worked very hard for it and I am sure you are well deserved for it. Good luck for winning the National Award, it must be an honor to meet with a US president in person. Sorry that I cannot join the luncheon, but my spirit will be with you. Aloha, Gilbert

Wow, what a achievement and I think you are well deserve it. I am honored and won't want to miss this special event. I will try not to travel during that time :-) Take care! Chaoying

Dear Johnson, Avery big congratulations to you on your award. You have worked tirelessly in developing relationships and promoting the cooperation between China and Hawaii . Not to mention your active role in TIM. Unfortunately I will not be in the region during the time of your award presentation, but will be thinking of you and toasting your success. Again very well done and look forward to congratulating you in person and one day soon. With best personal regards Tim

Johnson. I am very proud of your achievement. I just landed in Shanghai. Paul

Hi Johnson: Congratulations! You're the man! Thank-you for the invite for your terrific honor, however, I have to send my regrets. Cheryl & I will be in Japan from April 25 thru May 9. Our grandson will be making his first birthday and we'll be in Japan celbrating with him and of course our son Chris & his wife Sanae. I would have loved to be in attendance honoring your service. You certainly deserve it. Again, Congratulations. Aloha & Mahalo, Clay

Aloha WOW! Congratulations on such an honor. If I am in Hawaii I will definitely want to be there. You have been so blessed and worked so hard, I am happy for you. Hard work and dedication really does produce great results. Your hard work, dedication, and talent has been a great formula for all you do. I am very proud of you and happy to be your friend. Miriam

Johnson: We all are so very proud of you. This is fantastic news, and I might add, very well deserved. Congratulations! Aloha, Brenda

Dear Johnson: Thank you for all the good news. Congratulations!!! We are so proud of you and feel you totally deserve this tremendous honor. Much aloha, Yen

Johnson, How wonderful it is and congratulations !!!! I truly regret that I may miss this great event but my heart is there with all of you. My very best, Audry

Congratulations, Johnson. What a wonderful accomplishment! Aloha, Anne

Dear Johnson: Congratulations! We are proud of you to win the Hawaii award of "2008 Minority Small Business Owners" We would like to hear more detail information from you. Don

Congratulations Johnson ... an honor you deserve! You may not always reap the payola, but you are a tireless go-getter and exude enthusiasm for each project and the people you are involved with. My best to you! Kim

Dear Johnson: Our most sincere Congratulations. This prestigious Award could not have been made to a better qualified individual. I value our friendship and hope that we both will achieve all our Dreams as well as our Visions. Nancy and I would be delighted to attend the Luncheon and add to your Celebration. I have cancelled a scheduled trip and we have reserved the date. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist you. Warmest Aloha, Gerhart

Dear Johnson: I am honored to have been on your list of close friends and associates to be invited for this historic event. As of now, it looks like I maybe going with Thanhlo for a relatives's daughter's wedding on the Mainland on May 1st. Your timing permiting, I should know soon if I do go and, if not too late, would like to get back to you then.
Good to see you briefly yesterday. PP

Many congratulations. Very proud of you. ES

Hi Johnson, Congratulations! I am proud of you. I wish I can go to the SBA luncheon. I wish you happy with all your achievements. Rosita

Dear Johnson, Congratulations! It is another milestone of success in your career. Best regards, Madge & Yue-Sun

Dear Johnson, Great honor and well deserved! Unfortunately I will not be able to attend. All the best, Clyde

Hi Johnson, Congratulations on your award. We are very proud to have you as an alum, and I hope that I can join the celebration. Vance

Congratulation my friend! The award surely stands for your effort and contribution towards building the business between Hawaii and China. We are all proud to be part of this celebration. Matthew and Betty

Johnson: Congratulations on this award! I'm so excited for you. Have a wonderful week! Big hug from me..I'll be calling in to the meeting this week, so won't be able to give you a physical hug. Lee-Ann

Johnson: Congratulations on a very well-deserved award! A very happy year of the rat to all of you, and I hope you all are well. Very best regards and aloha, John

Congratulations, Johnson. Unfortunately, don't think I can be in Honolulu in April. Bob

WOWWWW! Congrats; you so richly deserve this recognition. I'm really happy for you. Aloha, Ed

Dear Johnson, I am so honored and thrilled to have been invited to this great gathering. I wish I could attend but I would not be able plan for a trip in this April. Please keep us informed of how you do in the national award competition. I'm sure all the UH alumni will be proud of you. Regards, Ralph

Congratulations, Johnson. I know that you have worked tirelessly to promote business and trade between Hawaii, HK and mainland China. I look forward to seeing the formal announcement of your selection. Aloha, Ron

Johnson, congratulate on you nomination and award. Wishing you get the highest rewards karl

Congratulations, Johnson! Very impressive. See you Thursday... in SF. x CT

Hi Johnson, I am in Beijing now at the NPC meetings...congratulations ! Kind regards, Manny

Congratulations and well done!! Very proud of you and your achievements. We have a winner amongst us. Teresa

congratulations! well deserved. Lawrence

Congratulation on being recognized as the "2008 Minority Small Business Champion". Your hard work have not gone unnoticed. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend your SBA Award Luncheon. However, I am looking forward to get re-acquainted with you after all these years. We do have a lot to catch up on. Good the hear from you. Regards, John

Congratulations, Johnson, What a great and well deserved award for all of your efforts for all of these years. I am happy and proud to join you in this event. Please keep me informed so that I can register. By the way, thanks for the info about BOR appointments, I was able to get my letter in on time. Keep up the good work, it is much appreciated.
Aloha, Juanita

Hi, Johnson, Congratulations to you. Very please to hear this good news, we all happy for you. I will have a business trip to China on April, but I will try my best to join that award party. Wayne

My sincere congratulations!! I look forward to our time together in Washington !! Neal

Congratulations Johnson, this is wonderful! I am very excited for you. Me ke aloha, Rosa

You Rock!!!!! Cecilia

That's fantastic, Johnson! Congratulations! Steve

Congratulation Johnson We are proud of u. Karen

Johnson Choi, Congratulation you have worked hard and deserve it , the best always Jack Jay So. Cal Dec,Etac11.Way to go

Hi Johnson, Thanks for the heads-up about the 4/30 event. I have it on my calendar. See you this Thursday at the forum. Aloha, Jill

Johnson: Congratulations on your award and recognition. Ed

Congratulations Mr. Choi! Will see you tomorrow at the Legislature. I was the one who nominated Bill Spencer for the Financial Services Advocate Award. David

Congratulations Johnson! Good to see you are getting recognition for years of hard work. Best regards, Kay

Hi Johnson, Congratulations, and many more! Thanks for supporting the China trade, and for helping many more entrepreneurs succeed! Tom


CONGRATULATIONS, Johnson!! That is really wonderful! With best wishes, Jeannette

Congratulation for winning the small business award. It is a great effort on your behave and your teams. Job well done. Keep in touch. Yours sincerely, Louis

Aloha Johnson and congratulations on a recognition richly deserved. With all good wishes, Carolann

Congratulations!! We are so proud that you won that distinguish award which you are so deserving of. Please remember to share our "Aloha" spirit with our nation and also be proud of our rich Chinese heritage. "Gung Shi, Gung Shi" Aloha, Lily

Dear Johnson, Congratulations on receiving such a prestigeous award. I am honored to be part of the celebration. I have marked my calendar and thanks for the kind invitation. Best, Rosita

Dear Johnson, Congregations! Hope to join the lunch on April if I am in Honolulu. All the best, Peter

Congratulations! Victor

Congratulations, Johnson!!! Cyndy

Congratulations!!! :D Johnson ~ I feel really happy for you. You really deserve to win this honor. Sounds like 2008 is really a lucky year too~ :D Enjoy the trip in D.C. and say "Hi" to Mr. President ^_^ Jiabao

Congratulations, Johnson! You deserve the honor for all your hard work. Randy

Johnson: Congratulations. It is indeed an honor. Wes

Wow! Johnson, congratulations. It's nice that you are acknowledged for all the hard work and contributions you make. Keep up the good work. Ron

Congratulations Johnson! Aloha Lucien

Congratulations, Johnson, on your award! Hope you have a great trip. Aloha, Heidi

Johnson, Congratulations! I am sure you worked very hard to receive such an award. Thank you for the wonderful email below. Aloha and best wishes. Ann

Congratulations Johnson. And thanks for the help with the china ethanol buyer info -David

Once again, congratulation on your accomplishment being a small business champion of the year. You deserve the award and we all proud of you. Tsuyoshi Aloha.

Congratulations! I want to celebrate your achievement with you. Please reserve one seat for me - I'll put a check in the mail for the $45.00 Lee-Ann

Congratulations. Pansy and Danny

Johnson, I read about the award in the paper before I got your email and was really happy for you. If anyone deserves it, it is you. You are an excellent role model and community leader as well as a great entrepreneur! Congratulations!! I will try to make it to the award dinner….is a group of TIM alumni purchasing a table??? Let me know…..Aloha, Valerie

Aloha Johnson, Congrats for the honor of the regional award as well! Warm regards, Silvia

Congratulations! This is an outstanding accomplishment and very well-deserved. We will be thinking of you during your recognition in D.C. I have the 30th event on my calendar. As long as I have nothing legislatively, I plan to attend. Is it ok if I forward this to the ACBO Committee? Thanks, Sherry

Dear Johnson, That is just super news. Congratulations. Diane

Just saw that you will be awarded at the SBA small business event as champion for minorities etc. Congratulations and I will see you then. Aloha, Caroline

Johnson, Congratulations on this very prestigious award. Norman

Johnson, hearty congratulations for this well deserved award and recognition! Aloha, Stanley

Congratulations, Johnson! Looking forward to moving the film project/s forward with you and Corey as well. Best regards, Lloyd

Dear Johnson, This awesome that you have been designated to receive this most prestigious award. Your family friends and associates must be extremely proud of your achievements and I join them in congratulating you. Much Mahalo !!!! Les

Hi Johnson Congratulations! Have a great time in DC next month. Best Regards TC

Dear Johnson, Great to hearing from your latest achievement! Sound greta! We looking forward to share the opportunities and experience between US and China. Happy Easter! Best Regard, Simon

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED, Caveats: NONE Johnson, Awesome. You’re the best…. Roz

Dear Johnson, Congratulations!! Tina

Congratulations, Johnson! I can easily understand your success after reading your really beautiful letter of appreciation to all who have helped and mentored you. Mike

Dear Johnson It's Matthew from Sydney here. Congratulations and all the best. Matthew

Aloha and Congratulations Johnson ... what a great honor and tribute you and you family. I wish I were able to attend this ceremony ... I hope Metro provides an opportunity to recognize you in a special way. Aloha Hal

Hello Johnson, Congratulations on your achievements. Keep up the good work. Aloha. - Ted

Congratulations! What an honor for you. I wish you continued success in your outstanding career. As membership chair it is wonderful to know we have such successful members in our Rotary club. I have always appreciated you contributions and ideas to the club and especially the membership committee. Please share Rotary with your all your business contacts! Congratulations again on this National award. Tommi

Dear Johnson, Sincere congratulations on your award as "Top Minority Small Business of the Year" from all your friends in the International Yachting Fellowship of Rotarians. Aloha, Marda

Congratulations, Johnson! April 30th is marked on the calendar. Details to follow? Makaha Sons, Inc. Jerome, John, Moon and Myrna

Johnson. Great for you, good job!!! Would love to make it when you are honored. Please keep me informed Tom

CONGRATULATIONS, Johnson!! I’m really happy for you and inspired by all that you’ve done for Hawaii ! With warm regards, Ray

Dear Johnson, Congratulations on your Chamber's significant achievement. Michael

Hi Johnson, Congratulations on winning the award. It's very well deserved. I'm on the East Coast right now and on leave from Carlsmith to pursue an advanced law degree at the Harvard Law School. So if you happen to visit Boston/Cambridge, please let me know. Best regards, Kai

Dear Johnson, Congratulations!!!! What an honor! Proud to be UH TIM Alumni. Thanks for your contribution and do your best all the time. Hope can see you when you are in Hong Kong next time. Cheers, Haynes

CONGRATULATIONS Johnson Choi, we are proud of you!!! It is quite an honor. I see there is a luncheon scheduled for the 30th of April, will you be sending more information on how to sign up? Great job! Aloha, Elena

Dear Johnson, My sincerest congrats to you! (From now on, I'll always brag about having known a successful alumni member like you! Really proud of you!) Best regards, Christopher

Johnson: Congratulations. A well deserved award. A wonderful email. Mahalo. Mike

Congratulations Johnson, As a former winner of the State of Hawaii SBA award—and the SBA Western Regional Contractor of Year Award—I am happy to see a fellow HPEC council member and Hawaii businessman win the Champion award. No one works harder than you to promote Hawaii and China/Hong Kong business. Best Regards and Aloha, Tom

Aloha Johnson, Congratulations, yù zhù, 预祝, you have earned this. Michael Gross, sends his best, he will see you in Washington.

Dear Johnson, Congratulations on your SBA award. Elena and I are looking forward to April 30th as we celebrate with you on your prestigious award. We at TIM are always proud of our alumni. Congratulations and hope to see you on April 30th. Aloha, Valerie

Hi, Johnson -- Congratulations on your national award! You are very deserving of the award. I have seen how you have worked so hard to make the community and the business environment a better place. I am very happy for you and Carmen, too! Best wishes for continued success! Aloha, Mona

FANTASTIC! CONGRATULATIONS Johnson! All the best, Sandy

Congratulations Johnson ! A well deserved honor. I am very proud of you. Thank you for your contributions, Thanks for sharing and your friendship. With warm regards to you & Carmen, Agnes.

Dear Johnson, I’m just back from business trip - Shanghai. It’s good to learn the good news! Wish to hear more & let’s see your award in due course! Alice

Dear Johnson, Congratulations ... you have earned a prestigious honor and indeed bring pride to your organization and your state. Best to you and your family and a memorable trip to Wash DC. Kim

Johnson, I think it is wonderful that you are being recognized for your hard work. I am happy to be associated with you! Ken

I am so happy for you. Heartfelt congratulations. Marie

Dear Johnson, What a great news! Congratulations! Aloha Selene

Johnson, Congratulations on winning the top national award for SBA. You have put in the time, effort & dedication in your work. It's an honor well deserved. Sorry I won't be here for the award ceremony - I will be on the mainland.
Best wishes & I'm sure there will be more awards & honors in the future. Frank

Dear Johnson and Carmen: Congratulations! I am so happy for both of you. Your hard work has paid off. Nice! Janet


Congratulations, Johnson! Well deserved. Wish I could be there to help celebrate! Best wishes, Bill

Hi Johnson, Congratulations to you (and Carmen of course) on your latest achievement. My apology for not being able to join your celebration in Hawaii and/or Washington. However, any chance that you might stop by Toronto on you way back to Hawaii? Best wishes, John

Hello Johnson, Congratulations to you!!! It’s a pleasure working with all the alumni including those like you that care deeply for the TIM School . Have a nice trip to Washington, DC. Aloha, Bevra

Hi Johnson, You made history and I'm proud to be your friend and schoolmate...Peter

Dear Johnson, A huge congratulations to you and HKCHcc for this magnificent award and honor. I can't stop smiling about the good news. Have a very memorable trip and bring a "camera person" to take all pictures of you. Looking forward to the 30th luncheon. Congratulations. Joanna

Dear Johnson, Indeed, this is a GREAT news for you, HKCHcc, UH and Hawaii! We should thank you for your creativity and hard work over the past few years! Thanks for sharing this good news with me. I am proud of you and CONGRATULATIONS! I
believe this is one of the great moments of your life. Please keep up your good work! Aloha from UH! David

Hi Johnson, What great news and a Chaminade MBA graduate too! It is nice to see this kind of recognition and you should be very proud. I will share the good news with the Hogan students who enjoyed your session with them last week. Regards, John

Congratulations Johnson, well deserved! Lisa

Hey.......Congratulations, Johnson!! You've come a long way, since your college days. Remember, working parttime at the hotel, during the evenings and studying to finish college? Good job!! Gary

Dear Johnson, Congratulations for both you and the HKCHcc’s achievements for assisting the minority owned businesses in Hawaii. Aloha, Edward

Johnson: I am so proud of you and happy for you. Congratulations. You deserve the honor because of your hard work and passion for what you do. We need to celebrate. ellen (Hi Carmen!)

Hi Johnson, Once again, congratulations. This is really a tremendous honor, and I am glad that all of your hard work is being recognized. Vance

Very good news. You deserve this great award, and Hawaii can be very proud of your achievements. Best wishes. Stephen

Hi Johnson, Hooray!! Thanks for the good news on winning the national award from SBA. Congratulations and well deserved. We must get together to celebrate and hopefully we can also celebrate Dean Gee's appt. to the BOR. 2008 is starting off with a bang and hopefully will continue throughout the year. All the best to you. Wini

Hi Johnson, Many congratulations for your award. It is a well-deserved recognition and it is great for Hawaii !! Betty

My heart felt congratulations to you. Natalie

Johnson: Congratulation! We are really proud of you. Keep up with the good work. Have a wonderful trip to Washington DC. Lisa Kato

Johnson: That's terrific news! Congratulations to you and Carmen for all of your hard work! aloha, John

John you are a hard worker and deserve this high recognition......Congratulations again! Paul

Congratulations! Johnson

A prestigious award.! I'm sure your family and friends are very proud of you, as I am. With Warm Regards, Robin

Congratulations, Johnson!!! What an honor!! Wendell

Johnson, Congratulations. We won't be able to be at your part of the world in April. Enjoy. Alfred

Congratulations on your well deserved honor. Ed

Very glad to know that. congratulations. Send me the photos when available. Albert

Congratulations, Johnson! Ralph

Hi Johnson, Congratulations! Ted

Johnson, CONGRATULATIONS. ! Looking forward to read the reports and pictures. Eugene

Outstanding, Johnson. Congratulations! Steve

Congratulations, Johnson! That's terrific. Aloha, Anne

Wow! Congratulation ! Your contribution has been acknowledged! We are so proud of you! Eddie

President Johnson: Congratulations. This is wonderful News. Gerhart

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, I am so happy and proud of you !!, way to go Johnson!! chaoying

What a wonderful surprise, I'm very happy for you and proud for you as well. Karl

Aloha Johnson, Congratulations on winning the National Award. Please let us know when it will be appropriate to recognize you publicly. Ren

February 14 2008

“An Update of the Business Climate in China” Opportunities Niches for Hawaii China Business? By BRENDA LEI FOSTER, PRESIDENT, American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai

Thanks for organizing the luncheon talk today. It was highly successful and I learnt a lot. Bee Leng

Thank you so much for today's speech, I think this is the best so far about China topic event, I realize no one leave early and no empty seat, this never happen before, you did excellent job, so does Johnson, Dean Gee and Yen's MC, it told us China is hot, I saw so much old friends which I didn't see for years. The event run very professional, Brenda's next speech we need find big venue. When we have lunch in China town month ago, we talked about this, now it is real, I total believe HKCHcc "get job done" slogan. Have safe trip, I will come to Shanghai end of May and beginning of June. Hope see you there. Michael

Johnson, it was an awesome event! Ken

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this event, and congratulations on its success. I hope that we can work together in the future. Vance

I second what Johnson and Michael said. Chuck was correct today. No body in Honolulu knows about China as much as you do. You are there at the "front line". You have all the hands on information plus the benefit of all the research Am Cham does. What a fabulous speech you made! Did you know the entire banquet room was very quiet and everyone was listening intensely and trying to digest all you have said. Yes, we could have listened to you for another 2 hours. The event was extremely successful because of our outstanding speaker. By the way, many people who were turned down due to the venue capacity, asked if the speech was recorded. I know Jay recorded it. But, by any chance, you could share the script or your speech, or part of it? I am sure many people would appreciate it and benefit from it. A couple people who could not be there wanted me to pass on their hellos to you. They are Hope Staab of Wo International and Charlotte Vick now in Texas. Have a safe journey back to your other home. Thank you again for doing so much for HKCHcc, the State of Hawaii, and the children and women in China. Much aloha, Yen

Thank you, Johnson, for a great program and speaker. I only wish I had taped Brenda. Do you know if I can get a transcript of her speech? It was so full of good information but she spoke quite fast and I could not write everything down. Warm regards, Lei

Nice, job, Johnson. Richard

Thank you very much for the opportunity. I really enjoyed the event and the speech was very interesting. I hope I can help you also in the future. With Aloha, Ildiko

Congratulations on a most successful forum. Your hardwork paid off! Let us think of collaborating for another speaker in the near future. The momentum is there and let us seize the opportunity! Rosita

Congratulations on your event, Johnson! Wish I could have been there. Brenda is one of my favorite people. Steve

The recorded presentation is very clear. This is a really successful event. Thanks, Johnson. :) Jiabao

Please also keep me updated on the next event you will be hosting and make sure to include me in your email list. I like what I saw at the last seminar, Oliver

As you have everyone on your server, I thought I'd use this expedient way to extend my own congratulations to Brenda. Yen, I echo your eloquent sentiments about Brenda's performance in spades! Brenda, you did an outstanding job and as Mike Zhang noted, no one left--as they usually do--when we ran overtime. I heard many compliments about your presentation which had so much data and insights, the only regret being a lack of time to get to all of the questions. As you could all see, I was standing next to Brenda fidgeting in trying to end the session, but there was always another hand waiting to pose another question. Johnson, you did a trojan's job in organizing the event. I hope you did not mind too much my giving you more work about producing a printed program. Meetings are always about details, and yesterday everything came off like clockwork. I am glad you thanked helpers who took care of the registration. Thanks, Yen, for introducing me so nicely. As I said, emcees don't usually get intros unless a meeting is high-level government requiring all kinds of protocol. I still remember when Lady Margaret Thatcher had to be introduced at a PATA conference when I was program chair. We had to introduce the introducer to Lord King, who was part of the official Thatcher party, charged with the task of introducing Mrs Thatcher. By the time everyone was done, we used up nearly half an hour. After Mrs. Thatcher's spellbinding talk, I followed her on the podium when everyone was awestruck with that formidable lady's presentation--not something anyone would want to do voluntarily. Yesterday's educational forum is perhaps what HKCHCC can do best as an organization with limited resources to accomplish our goal of promoting business, trade and amity between Hawaii, China and HKG. The previous two HKCHCC for a sponsored by the HKG Economic Trade Dev. Office in SF were also well received, distinguishing us from others. Congratulations to all who helped make this event successful, especially our valued board member, Brenda. Chuck

Johnson, Chuck, Yen and Michael: I want to thank all of you for your nice comments about my presentation although I am not sure they are warranted. I always enjoy speaking about China in the hopes that I can give a somewhat more realistic presentation of business on the ground here than what is normally reported in the press. I arrived back in Shanghai last night. I will look forward to seeing you all in the near future. Thank you again, for everything you did to pull this event together. It was greatly appreciated. Aloha, Brenda

Thank you for the program with AmChamber-Shanghai Lunch, well done. I think you could have sold another 50 seats. We should do a few of these type of programs for the DEC as a way of raising awareness and funds. DJ

March 9, 2006

"Hong Kong and Hawaii : Countable Islands, Unlimited Opportunities"

Miss Jacqueline Ann Willis, JP - Hong Kong Commissioner for Economic and Trade Affairs

Click here to download Microsoft Power Point Presentation in "read only" file format  PDF Format

Johnson - Thank you for including us in this great event. You, your entire organization, did a terrific job hosting the Commissioner. I told the Councilman of the large and diverse audience and of the opportunities presented. He again stated his regret that he had to speak at another event and could not attend but is appreciative that I could represent him. Thank you for keeping us in touch with your organizations. Willes

Mr. Choi, Thank you for letting us experience your Spring Business Luncheon. It was very impressive. The kyenote speaker, Miss Willis was inspiring. We would like to learn more. Thank you, Harry & Eleanor

Dear Johnson, Aloha! Thank you so much for the invitation to Thursday's lunch! I had a great time and it was a classy, enjoyable, informative and smoothly run event. Let me know if there are ways that I can be supportive. I'm looking forward to seeing you all over these next two months. With much appreciation, Ray

Dear Johnson, I learned a lot from Ms. Willis’ talk. Thank you very much for your kindness and hospitality. Teri

Aloha Johnson, XieXie for a great program. Job well done!!! DJ

Thank You! Keep up the good work! Anthony

Dear Johnson, This is just a brief note to let you know how much I enjoyed hearing Mike Rowse and Jacqueline Willis. They provided some great information on HK. Mr. Rowse is the funniest and funniest-looking Chinese guy I've heard to-date. Thank you for giving me and other members of Honolulu's private and public sectors the opportunity to hear them. Aloha, Ron

Johnson, Thank you for including us in yesterday’s Spring luncheon. I enjoyed hearing the highlights on how H.K. is expanding services. Lunch was delicious and I appreciate having been included. Again thanks and have a grand week-end. Aloha, Caroline

Johnson, I agree with you 100 % that the U.S. Media is biased. It does not tell everyday Americans what is really happening in China in terms of the rapid modernization and business growth. The Germans, French, Koreans, Japanese and Australians have moved their business structure into China through their investments. Large multinational companies from the U.S.have already been here since the 90’s. Hawaii needs to provide some business value which is core to the Chinese business model. It is difficult because in Hawaii we lack a lot of things necessary for business incubation: high taxes, expensive real estate to own or lease, lack of manufacturing base, lack of major U.S. Distribution network access, lack of large consumer market and lack of finance capital for business incubation. Good luck. Best, Russell

Johnson - Since you left HKBAH 5 years ago as President, they no longer promote HK...all they talk about is China...The only time they mentioned HK is when they do the installation banquet as they know HK Government officials are there...they should changed the name as you understand how businesses need to be done. Daniel

Johnson - I must thank you again for inviting me to yesterday's luncheon. Miss Willis' presentation was most interesting and followed nicely your own talk. You are doing an outstanding job of making our business community more aware of opportunities in Hong Kong. You are an ideal spokesman and are sure to have a positive impact. My congratulations and aloha, Bob

Thank you for doing such a great job at putting together these events. Maybe one day we do lunch downtown? Ciao Ann

Johnson, Thanks for the invitation to today’s lunch. You have done an incredible job of increasing awareness of business opportunities that exist in HK and the rest of China to Hawaii’s academic and business community. Thanks for all that you do for all of us to make Hawaii’s economy more diversified. Regards, Bob

Hi Johnson: Thanks for inviting me to the function yesterday. good turnout! Hope all is well with you. cheers, lena

Dear Johnson, Thank you for your invitation. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Please let me know of future events. Thanks! Ken; PS: We missed you at our Lions Club. Lion Ernest Chang will be Club President. We can do a lot of things for our community especially with your Hong Kong China connection. Please let me know how can I be of help in your association. Mahalo!

Hi Johnson, Thank you for inviting me for your March 9th Luncheon. It was very informative and was a good networking opportunity. Thank you once again. Angie

Thank you for having me, wonderful presentation and luncheon. I learned a lot, and will be doing business in HK someday. Julie

Aloha Johnson, Thank you for providing the inspirational luncheon today. I’ve made some new contacts in my field of entertainment. I hope a way is found to aide musicians travel to the territories sharing the musical traditions. Wishing you all success in your endeavors this year. Warm Regards, Sahra

Johnson, Again, thank you for including PAAC on another successful luncheon program. I am sure our members appreciated it. Aloha, Lisa

HI Johnson, Thank you so much for inviting me to the luncheon today. It was very educational and makes me want to consider what business I could do in Hong Kong...Looking forward to seeing you soon with Corey! Thanks again! Aloha, Anne

Thank you very much for your accommodation! I very much appreciation your consideration. David

February 24, 2006

  "From Aloha to China Guanxi" -  MIKE ROWSE, Director General - Invest Hong Kong, HKSAR Government. It was a completely sold out event well attended by more than 180 business executives at the Ala Moana Hotel, Honolulu Hawaii - Microsoft Power Point Presentation - download "read only" file

Hi Johnson: Congratulations on a successful and sell-out event. Mike was a very interesting and dynamic speaker. I want to thank you personally for inviting me to this event. I hope to conduct business with Hong Kong. Steve

Yen and Johnson -- Congratulations on a great event! It was both informative and fun, thanks to your great speaker. Phil

Hi Johnson, I didn't get a chance to say good bye to you with all the picture taking! Thank you for inviting me to today's lunch and presentation by Mike Rowse - it was also nice to chat with Brenda Foster and Angela Ko of InvestHK - a very interesting program - congratulations on a wonderful turnout! Cori

Dear Johnson: Great lunch speaker! He is the most eloquent HK "salesman" I have seen in a long time. Thanks for the invite PP

Aloha Johnson, Thank you again for allowing me to attend today's luncheon. It was tremendously informative and inspiring! It reaffirmed my commitment to sell " Chocolates in Hong Kong and China. I would love to attend the luncheon on March 9. If possible, I would like to bring my wife (who is also the company vice president). Her name is ". Of course, I am happy to pay for her (or both of us, for that matter). " is originally from Japan, and has a keen interest in business. She will be coordinating our sales expansion into Japan. We will probably both attend either the Food Expo Hong Kong in August and/or the Sweets China Food Show in Shanghai in September. Thanks again for inviting us. Keep up the great work. You're making a enormous difference! Sincerely, Nathan

Mr. Choi, Thank you very much for organizing such a wonderful event today, and I am sure that organizers, guests, and participants are all happy with it. In the future, I'd like to get involved into this kind of activities more. So, please let me know if I can provide any help.

About the March 9th event, I would also like to attend. Do I have to register for that? If yes, and how? Again, thanks a lot for the efforts contributed by you and your co-organizers. Mahalo! Best Min

Hi Johnson, Thanks again for the fun lunch today. I'd like to attend your March 9th lunch as well. El

Hi, Johnson...........Please include me at the HJCC table for the Hong Kong luncheon program on 09 March at the Hawaii Prince. Aloha, Gregg

At " Printing Company we are always looking for sources of paper. We are particularly interested in paper manufacturers in Hong Kong and Mainland China. If possible could you provide us with a list of Chinese paper manufacturers that produce paper for commercial printers. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Dear Johnson, Thank you again for sponsoring me at today’s luncheon. Mike’s talk was very insightful in that a client of mine is considering very seriously opening an international bank in Hong Kong. Was Mike’s talk recorded and available for purchase on CD or tape? I would love to be able to share it with my client. Aloha, David

Dear Johnson, Congratulations for a highly successful luncheon program tonight. The speaker was indeed something else! He combines British sense of humor (or humour) with down-to-earth Chinese practicality. The result is memorable! I also want to congratulate you on the excellent overall organization. I can see now why you are such a successful person. With much aloha, Saleem

Dear Johnson, Thank you so much for inviting all of us for the luncheon today. We had a wonderful time! The speaker was really good! Congratulations! Best wishes! Chuanjiao

Hi Johnson: Thank you very much for organizing and inviting me to the presentation. It was definitely very informative (and entertaining!). Certainly one of the best luncheons I've attended in a long time! I hope to see you again soon. Aloha! Sheila

Hi Johnson, Thank you so much for the wonderful luncheon yesterday. The speaker is wonderful: it is the best speech I ever heard in Hawaii! I believe most people are inspired in many ways. Congratulations! And than you for your hard work! Tianlong

Hi Johnson: Thank you very much for inviting me to the excellent luncheon with Mike Rowse. It was thoroughly enjoyable. It was also nice to see my old friend, Yumei Chow. Aloha, David

Johnson: thanks for the invitation. I wish to take advantage of what you are providing. thanks. Carol

Thank you, Johnson, for all your efforts in putting together a great event. Nice to see it so well attended. Best regards, Heidi

Dear Johnson: On behalf of the JAIMS participants, I would like to extend our fondest appreciation for your invitation to the luncheon yesterday. It is such a great opportunity for our China Focus MBA students to understand the key issues in business developments in HK and China at large and to network with the local and international community of executives. Their feedback is very excellent and positive. It is their wish to keep up with the activities that your association has been engaged. We all would like to solute you for the wonderful work that you and your colleagues have done. Once again, thank you. Sincerely, Ding

Aloha Johnson: Thank you for the hospitality and invitation to the luncheon. Had a wonderful time and enjoyed the speaker, especially the banter from the audience. I was privileged to meet your wife at the luncheon and enjoyed her company. Thank you for the continued generosity. Mahalo, Sara

Thanks again for excellent luncheon event featuring Mike Rouse. We all enjoyed it and received a very passionate view about Hong Kong. Take good care and thanks for all that you do for our community. Glenn M

Thank you Johnson for all your focus and hard work to getting such a good crowd at the event which I realize contributed to Mike Rowse having such a great forum -- since he came from not that easy a plane ride, it's great to have a packed house and that's what you did! Mike and I have exchanged emails already and I look forward to one day seeing him in a trip to Hong Kong. Ciao! Ann

Johnson, Thank you for your hospitality and aloha! I enjoyed hearing Mike Rowes’ speech and especially liked the Q&A format. Great job! I look forward to working with you in the future. Wendy

Johnson:  Thank you for the valuable update and your positive words about this challenging situation. I wish you well in your many activities. I do appreciate your emails. Aloha...Jack

What a great letter, Johnson! Thanks so much for sharing this with me. I will print it and share it with some of the Asian film people here attending the Far East Film Festival in Udine, Italy. Best wishes...Jeannette

Hi Johnson, A very impressive note. Thanks. Are you coming to our May 1 Advisory Board meeting and Induction / Graduation Ceremony?...John

The Chinese market is tremendous and I cannot agree with you more. Please feel free to contact me at any time to keep me posted of HKCH Chamber of Commerce enterprising endeavor into the Chinese market. I will be glad to consider and to participate with your vision of consorting resources to China within my capacity. It has been a pleasure. Please keep in touch. With best regards & Aloha!...Richard

Thank you for your very positive support for Hong Kong and our ongoing business initiatives. Life does indeed carry on here and despite the sensitivity of the public to risk of infection from SARS, there is a widespread community determination to beat this disease and bring our lives and businesses back to normal as soon as possible. The help from your Chamber is much appreciated...Martin

So proud of you to reiterate the confidence for those who have been trading with Hong Kong.  I am sure that if we can live through this difficult period, we can deal with any challenge in the future.  Keep our spirit up.  Take care....Cecilia

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Congratulations on the many successes of your organization. When I remember the year 2002, the opportunity to speak to the representatives of the Ministry of Finance will the most memorable event. It was quite an honor. Best of luck in 2003!

Thanks, Johnson.  Please keep up the good work in 2003.

Wow, Thank you for sharing.  Nice newsletter.

Your commercial activities seem to related to Hong Kong/PRC and therefore, I was wondering if there is any synergy that this firm and you work together on projects.

Johnson, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too.  Thanks for taking the time to keep in touch with me.  You are right, keep reminding the folks at home, China is the frontier, no longer new, just a big frontier.  The opportunities are vast, difficult to do business but lots of opportunities.  China needs good people too, especially those trained in the west so tell all the young people there are good employment opportunities in China.

Nice message, short, sweet and to the point.  Congratulations.

Johnson....Thank you so much for your recent communications, especially the pictures - much appreciated. I take this opportunity to reciprocate your Good Wishes & Greetings for the Holiday Season to you, your family, to the Membership & Directors of the HKCHcc & their families. The HKCHcc is indeed fortunate in having a person of your dedication, enthusiasm and leadership.  I know that we can expect nothing but the best results from your tireless efforts for the common causes that we certainly share.

Merry Christmas to you and Carmen!  May our Lord renew your heart, soul, mind and body with His all-sufficient grace and love for the New Year!

Thank you for the Holiday message and good summary news. Have a great Holiday.

Greetings! Hope you are doing well. I have been traveling in the past month to China and Hong Kong. I sure agree with your comment that China is growing in a full force. I do intend to organize more Trade Missions or Promotional Road Shows for professional associations. I am also planning program for HKA Orange County. Please keep us in mind for any potential joint events in future. Wishing you a very Happy and Prosperous 2003!

Happy New Year to you, your family and all the Friends of HK and TDC in Hawaii. All the best for 2003.

Happy New Year to you and Carmen!  May the Lord bless you with His own dear presence throughout the coming year!

Johnson...Thanks for the continuing news and info. Always appreciated. Your continuous reminder of the importance of HK has brought us back for an IT show as an exhibitor along with our provincial government. Stay in touch.....


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